For instance, at the time of writing, the clustering feature is currently available only on Cisco ASA 5500-X, ASA 5580, and ASA 5585-X appliances. Not all of the licensed features and capabilities are available on all hardware platforms. On the Cisco ASA 5580 platform, the Base License allows creating up to two application contexts, while several premium licenses of different tiered counts allow extending this limit up to 250 contexts in total. An example of such a feature is the ability to configure security contexts on some Cisco ASA appliances. Other features may carry their own capacity limits that come in quantified tiers.

For instance, the Botnet Traffic Filter license will allow you to protect all connections through a Cisco ASA up to the maximum limit for the platform.

In other words, these capabilities are fixed in the given software image for the particular hardware you cannot selectively disable them. Every Cisco ASA platform comes with a certain number of implicitly activated features and capacities as a part of the Base License.