SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR Honey Select Unlimited MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: H-Evaluation: Normal Evaluation, lover evaluation, lewd evaluation, hateful evaluation, slavish evaluation, broken evaluation are a consideration for calculating points.On the top of the evaluation, you will gain or lose feelings points which depending on H attributes. Earning Points: At the end of each H-Session, a girl will evaluate your performance.Same as sentiments selection if followed. Each type of personality states a different point with specific feelings. Character creation: When you create a new female character than point calculation depends on chosen personality, and sentiments.Maximum level stale, destruction level and broke level, feelings priority remains under a state calculation. If none of the feelings is above 50 then the girl is considered as a normal. State: The state of the game is defined as a high level of feelings.Each feeling represents a unique colour and defines 0 to 100 numeric number. The fifth one is special and it defines a girl’s mental sanity. Favour, Desire, Aversion, and subordination. Feelings: There are main four feeling stages i.e.There are other similar games like House Party which you can also play. A game is not made for an erotic experience, before a play complicated controls are needed to learn to play. as per reviews, Honey select game has achieved a goal of most polished VR room-scale simulator in-game market. Player has to direct model to perform a variety of the pornographic and fetishistic scenes. In Honey select, Player have own dashboard and they have to create models of men and women with all information. Which means the game is categorized in 18+ game. In PC game market game have an s-e-x simulator genre. Honey select unlimited gameplay is similar to illusion’s eroge video game Play Club. It is made in 2015 by Illusion, a PC games development company. Honey Select, A complete PC game which is virtual reality eroge video game.